One of the things I really enjoy is traveling to different cities and wandering in their downtown area to see what i can see. You never know what you might come across and the experience is most often memorable. Queenz is on deck for this lovely stroll keeping me summer ready and cute.
|Doux|: |.|Seulgi|.|
|Top&Skirt|: |.| Queenz|.| Evny|.| Sizes: Lara,Freya,Kupra,Legacy,Ebody NEW RELEASE
|Necklace|: |.| Cae|.| Infinity|.|
|Earrings|: |.| Livia|.| Bella|.|
|Glasses|: |.| -SU!|.| Poison Sunglasses|.|
|Destination|: |.| SOBE|.|

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