I don't know about you but i'm a hermit LOL. But every now and then I venture from my hidey hole and grace the public with my presence (can't even say that without laughter) For those moments when i wanna hit the club scene and it's not a formal affair this little number from Queenz certainly checks all boxes. Comes in several colors and fits BBL,Bimbo,Ebody,Freya,Hourglass,Jessica and
Maitreya. I can appreciate the variety of bodies covered here.
|Dress|: Queenz |.| Classique |.| White @ Mainstore NEW RELEASE
|Hair|: Doux |.| Denise |.| Blogger Pack (has all the colors plus the style hud) @Mainstore
|Destination|: Leftstone's Poetry Lounge

♔Sponsers♔ Queenz
^click here^