I can't express how much i loveeeee fall. All the bright colors of the changing leaves. The crisp cool breeze cold enough to require a sweater but not a coat. Pumpkins and spice and everything nice. In rl i often just stroll along admiring fall's majesty. There are so many beautiful places in sl that are in full fall mode. I was out hopping around and came across this beauty Heavenly Bay. Very scenic great place to snap photos.
|Hair|: |.|Doux|.| Tegan
|Necklace|: |.| Lexie Wonder|.| Jewel|.| Rhomb Wire Pendant Necklace
I love that this necklace had a color tint hud for the pendant and the necklace itself
|Top|: |.| Addams|.| Pure Li V-neck Long Sleeves|.| White
|Destination|: |.| Heavenly Bay|.|

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