If you haven't gotten an opportunity to come check out this amazing event you definitely should. Helping to uplift women's voices from all backgrounds. There are educational booths and fun interactive displays. I really enjoyed the letters to my 16 year old self display. Had to represent Girl Power <3 Queenz is a proud sponsor of this event.
|Tshirt|: |.|Queenz|.| GirlPower Tee|.| Sizes: Lara,Freya,Kupra,Legacy,Reborn NEW RELEASE
|Hair|: |.|Doux|.| Coven|.| this hair comes with the option to wear the hat or not love that
|Glasses|: |.|Umeboshi|.| Caster Glasses|.|
|Fanny Pack|: |.||.| DarkFire|.| Misha Fanny Pack

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